Monday 17 July 2017

The Last Day Of College... Until It All Starts Again!

So, that's it now. I shouldn't be officially setting foot back in college until at the very earliest, late September to enrol for the second year. I say officially because I can already see myself managing to find a reason to enter beforehand. It seems strange this week, the lingering thought that I have nothing to do but I seem to have a new collective of untethered work to keep my head in gear. My research project (although I haven't yet fully settled on a topic) is coming along nicely and I'm finding myself tucking into Tracey Thorn's book, Naked At The Albert Hall. I have a couple of ideas and a hunch and I've given myself until the end of the month to figure out what the hell I'm doing.

Last week was a nice end, only visiting college once on the Thursday for what I guess you could call a "lesson". A very long lesson. NR wanted to teach me Bach Harmony and so we arranged this for 10:30am. With a half an hour break or so around 12pm, we didn't finish up until around 3pm. I was quite impressed with myself for being able to keep focused for so long, until I started to lose it a little at the end, just through tiredness I guess. It was a nice way to finish the year anyway. It almost feels like we've gone full circle. Me and NR used to do music theory bits seemingly all of the time, it's most of what I recall from my lvl 3, only now I have a folder full of Chorales awaiting their Alto, Tenor and Bass parts. I've given myself a target to at least do one or two per week. This should keep my head busy. I'm also trying to get into a habit of giving myself a schedule, like for today I have dedicated an hour to reading and an hour to harmony, leaving enough time to visit the gym later before band practice. 

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