Monday 23 July 2012

A Jolly Good Day, I Say!

Today has been different, that is for sure. Not just the weather being extremely warm instead of the usual cold, horrible weather. I have had fun. A Bit like the good ol' days!

I have been out skateboarding for most of the day with a great friend. I hadn't done this in ages until today. After skating we both went for some food back at my house where we shared a pizza (That was very yummy). Eventually we found ourselves comparing Gameboys, music and eventually playing games.

Pokemon Colosseum and Super Smash Brawl for the Nintendo GameCube were the games we played.

(I won, most of the time).

Fun Times.

Thursday 12 July 2012

A Turn For The.....

Everything really is happening so fast at the moment. Good things and bad. I'm not a hundred percent what is going on exactly but I know for a fact I'm not thinking straight. I have so many distractions and things to think about that makes myself so unsure of everything. Even facts; things that I know are true. But, when other things start to mist over and some answers start to hide... It doesn't help.

There are people I feel I need to talk to right now... Some that will listen, some that won't.

I need answers but can't reach them. Not at the moment. Given time. I'm so sensitive recently. Things will get better and I will 'pull through'. I'm not ill, I'm just a bit of an idiot. However... I think my mind does need clearing a little. A bit of a break.

It doesn't help that I'm aching all over. I have strained a few of my pathetic muscles carrying my bass around in a hard case for most of the day yesterday!

I'll live. I'll have too.

It's Been A While...

It's been almost a month since I last posted and I can easily say that a lot has happened since. I have been extremely busy with band rehearsals and a little stressed too. There have been good moments, mind! I performed at Snienton Market Square in Nottingham, UK to celebrate the Olympic Torch coming to Nottingham. Also, my band was asked to perform at the graduation event at my college!

I has been a bit hectic and chaotic. Some things have gone really well, somethings... well. Lack of organisation, that's all I'm saying!

I'm still busy as I type! I've now got to rehearse with my band some pop songs... Pop songs can be boring to play but we've tried our best to 'claim' the 'best' ones! This is all for gig linked to college in October, so I'm told.

I'm looking forward to it.