Friday, 2 June 2017

As We Come To The End...

Me & Bekkie after filming on location #2, 01/06/17.
My calendar still shows the face of April as I rush to finalise all of my final productions. Yesterday, saw a last minute filming session assisted by my good friend Bekkie who did the ol' point and shoot trickery for me to later edit. The music video is now nearing completion and just needs a little bit of tidying up here and there, otherwise I'm very happy with it. I feel like there's a nice mix of events, enough to remain interesting throughout.

A couple of days ago, I rearranged the coffee table in my bedroom (completely emptying it of everything) and covered it with a plastic bin bag. I had brought some emulsion paints weeks before (on the day of the conference) and a cheap speaker that I found in a charity shop for a couple of quid to experiment with and film the result, which is now included in my music video. It wasn't as messy as I thought it was going to be, but it was very difficult keeping the unpredictable splashes away from my camera lens. Thankfully, the camera is my own and it did clean off so, that doesn't really matter. However, I ended up with a mess, but a nice mix of pastel colour which seemed almost completely by chance.

I've managed to knock this video together really quickly, but it is not rushed. The video is near five minutes long and on average I've had roughly two two hour sessions producing the final product. As I mentioned before, there are a few parts that need tweaking, but that should only take about another hour if I remain focused, meaning that once it is finished I would have spent approximately an hour per minute. When I think about it this way, it makes me realise how much work I've put into this. The good news is that I'm on track for meeting my final deadline and possibly even handing it all in a day early. That's really quite something for me, aha! Usually, I'm bang on the day, just a few minutes before. No, this needs more attention and isn't something I could get away with scrambling together last minute. I wouldn't even think to trust it to export and upload on time. It would never work!

In other news, not only have I got all of my final deadlines next Week but, I've also got three college gigs to play; one with the intro students on Tuesday evening, one at the NCN Adams building for a HE showcase event on Wednesday and then one with the level 3 year 2 students on Thursday evening - that one being the most demanding, but I should also say, "save the best 'till last."

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