As May comes to an end, which we can only hope she does, I look at my calendar and notice it still hanging with April not yet fully crossed out and done with. Again, I have been busy. Too busy to cross out days with my sharpie and turn the page, soon to be pages following the new month. I haven't looked at the image for May once, which is a shame as I know it's a good one (I have The Piano Guys calendar and, I know it's an multiple mirrored image trickery of Steven Sharp Nelson playing his cello from the Adelle cover).
The Clockwise Man - Justin Richards. |
All, that besides I don't have much left to do now. Just three things which are predominantly creative. My track, music video and eportfolio/website thing. I pretty much finished my track earlier, now I've just got to focus on my music video as my eportfolio is very nearly done with just a few things left to add and upload. The layout is sorted. The main challenge this week is going to be the music video, even though I know I can make a music video in a day if I get desperate. I've done that twice before, once shooting the footage the same day. I don't have much footage to use at the moment, but I plan on recording some paint nonsense soon. Experimental stuff, pouring it into speakers (knackered ones, obviously. That or I'll protect them with something). I plan on doing some "On-location" shoots too on Thursday, with a little help from a friend we could probably get some good usable frames.
On the plus side, I finally managed to complete a book I started reading in November. It just goes to show how busy I've been, but then again I'm quite the slow reader anyway which is probably why I'm still shit at sight reading; that and I don't practice enough.
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