28. Struggling. Desperate for another sort out to clear more space (vaguely ongoing - sorted a small bag to donate already) my main problem is I'm so cramped and it's not just my room. The whole house is full of shit everywhere and it's certainly not all mine. Mum and Dad seem to want to save EVERYTHING they don't use or need anymore so the dining table is mostly unaccessible these days as well as the floor space surrounding the TV. The front entry is filled with my dads work stuff mostly paperwork piled up to the side which I step on every time lately, especially when loading for a gig. I have no turning space.
This has made me think about moving out quite a lot lately but the reality is that I wouldn't be able to afford it on my own. I have no one to move out with so that leaves me stuck and unhappy living in a mess of a house. I get that I probably sound ungrateful, I'm lucky to have a roof over my head etc, etc - yeah, fair enough but it's becoming a dumping ground. My parents are obviously currently more bothered about "holidays." We have a camper on the way and it looks like I'm losing my space on the drive for it - the space that allows me to access my rear barn doors easier. If I move across I'll struggle to load in for gigs. It's already hassle enough without making it more difficult.
I need to take my amp(s) for repair soon. The Marshall that I bought recently needs fixing, it might just be a new valve or something but I have no idea. My Laney needs sorting too with the same issue but it's not as much of a priority (Marshall has always been more a favourite) It's been annoying really though, I had only had the Marshall for about a month when the power (sound) dropped then cut, I've been power ampless for a couple of months now but I've been advised to drop it in at The Music Inn soon anytime after the 10th for them to send it off to someone to have a look at. It's exciting to think it might be sorted again very soon - hopefully by the end of the month but I don't know for sure. It was to be expected mind, the amp is around 20 years old if not older I believe - it's a TSL 100.
Having a bit of a day out with mum day once she's back home from work. I think we might be going to my cousins pub, The Hayloft at Giltbrook. It's been done up recently, they're the new landlords and we love it there. It's nice for the family to have a pub. We've been invited up Christmas day but I'm not sure what we're doing yet. I've already said I'd love to go. Sounds lovely. Home politics makes it a slight impossibility but I hope we get past it and attend, though how likely that is at the moment I really don't know.
I've been toying with a little Boss Katana Mini since the Marshall blew. I quite like it, sounds alright to say it's only 5w but not so much when you start to push it. The built in delay helps clean up the distorted sound a little or at least makes it more tolerable and if it's late I can just plug in my headphones. I should probably have another play this evening, I've not been playing all that much lately and its most likely because of the amps breaking. Kill The Moon have a gig tomorrow so I have that to prepare for too, not that it'll take much - backline and PA is provided so should be a nice easy one it's D.H. Lawrence Festival and we're at The Conservative Club playing at 4pm. Hoping we have a decent crowd as this free festival is usually popular.
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Kill The Moon autumn gig listings 2022 |
I've been looking at lighting for upcoming gigs we have booked for the start of October that's completely DIY and we don't have any as of yet. I think I might just buy a cheap pair to place on the floor either side of the stage. I saw a set on Amazon for less than £20 so maybe it will do. I'll ask the guys what they think tomorrow
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