Thursday, 20 January 2022

So... How's January Going?

 All-in-all, not fantastic. I'm struggling to keep focused this month, I've had many things planned but just been avoiding everything. I think it may be a mix of still being busier than usual at work, general stress and overwhelming myself and just procrastination in general. I was a complete idiot last week too. We had a rehearsal booked at our regular studios and I didn't even realise - a bit of miscommunication, but never mind, the damage is done. We have another scheduled in a fortnights time. Why such a long gap? Well, in other terrible news, my mum caught Covid and tested positive Saturday. Shes in the all clear now and back to work and all that but she's still been coughing so there's a cautionary health and safety element too.

What did I have planned? As I alway say, every year, or at least most years.. I want to get some music out, released properly to the world. Initially, I thought the end of January would be good to release one of my older electronic tracks with something new, but I'm lacking in the creative inspiration department for the "something new" part. It doesn't help that it's been difficult for me to play guitar recently which co-insides with me playing much less. I chewed the skin off from my little finger a few weeks back after a bad patch and it's still recovering (You should know I don't filter this shit out), it's getting there though, and I've been trying to ignore it as it heals. This also means that I haven't been playing bass much either. Believe it or not, I find bass easier to play with ruined fingers, possibly because of the thickness of the strings. It's getting there and I should definitely have a try tomorrow if I can. Even if I just take it out its case! Give it some air!

I have some mixes from last year to finish and send off too. They're close to being finished but when I sent a track over recently, like an idiot I'd left the threshold on the vocal noise gate way too high. I haven't been mixing a lot over the last two years so I know I'm out of practice. I can sort-of redeem myself in saying I really was focusing on the balance and reducing any harshness... which I was!

In better news, I finally have the days I wanted two years ago at work. My days are all together and it should in-theory help to organise any band related stuff like gig dates, festivals, rehearsals are usually easy enough anyway. I'm looking forward to this year as it gets going. There are a few gigs I want to go to in the coming weeks so I'll be out and a about more so that should perk me back up - being more involved in the scene. The Addiction, Wed 26, Left-Hand-Lane Sat 29, more into next month. 

Our first gigs of the month aren't until the end of February. Both listed on our website and socials, both free!

In other news, I've been wanting to start writing reviews again for some of the games I have in my collection. I posted one tonight and a brief explanation on how I want to make these semi regular.

Thanks for reading.

- Kim

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