Sunday, 16 September 2018

The Start of UoD

I've had one hell of a great summer, all of which I need to write more about, back date and post pretty soon but more recently it's been a tough couple of weeks. It was easy getting back into the swing of work after returning from Spain for the third time but welcomings from those closest made it hard. I had an argument with my mum the first night I saw her, which wasn't even the first night I got back. It doesn't help that I don't feel as close to my parents anymore since they're always disappearing to the caravan, although I still love them. I've labelled our family caravan "The Home-wrecker" even though I've been once with a friend and it's quite nice. The argument continued to the next day when she apologised and said her piece again. Her words are still ringing through my head and I've not been great since although I'm doing my best to keep my shit together and stay strong.

The good news is (maybe, dependant on how well I handle it) this is all in time for a whole new experience; starting UoD. Tomorrow is the start of the welcoming week where I'll get to meet other students and fully enrol. It feels like it's been a long time coming now. I was getting really excited about everything whilst I was in Spain as I received all my confirmation emails and a few with further information but it's been harder to maintain that since. I'm hoping this week will bring back the energy that I seem to lost. I've been struggling to motivate myself to get out of bed, snoozed many alarms and just felt useless. It's not like I've been having a completely bad time either, I've been out with friends drinking (which is apparently a new thing) and I have all the support I could ever need. It's almost a mystery to me why I'm still struggling so much even though I know the answer, I mean there are a few other problems stacked on top, some of which aren't even mine but are becoming slowly. 

I'm not really feeling anything now upon the eve of starting a fresh and I'm quite sad about that. It is a mix of things though, I believe. Of what I explained and maybe some hidden anxiety of meeting new people, having to deal with that, be an adult ect. Another worry is I have a whole new city to get used to. I'm not very familiar with Derby, only the main city centre as a pedestrian so basically I don't really know where I'm going. Or I do, but only just? I had a bit of a test run the other week with a friend which wasn't so bad, but that was mostly to see what parking is like. That was pretty easy but god knows how busy it will be during term time.

I'm still wondering what time I should leave tomorrow morning. I could leave ridiculously early and avoid all traffic at something crazy like between 6-7am or risk it at 8am. I don't need to be there until 10am but, I want a good free parking space. I'll probably leave later than I want to. Never mind.

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