Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Pre-Easter Stress and Relief

The weeks of school gigs have been pretty intense and made it a little stressful dealing with my own work due for a rehearsal this week. On Monday, I probably should have done more that I did in preparation. Tuesday, I could probably say the same although I did manage to do a few things like setting up my interface and a channel in Logic to send midi notes to play live in time with my project. Thats something. Wednesday was extremely stressful. I knew I had to run though everything with what seemed to be minimal preparation. Even my video wasn't ready but that couldn't be helped. I wasn't due to perform until about 2:30pm which gave me the morning to do a few practice runs with the minimal tech I decided to take with me. Using the looper became a bit of an issue as it so easily went out of time with my backing track. This was all I needed, more issues on the day.

When I arrived, another student, Johnny was in the venue waiting about for Matt, our tutor. He had just done his performance and within ten minutes or so it would have been time to perform mine own. As Matt was in and out juggling us AO brought in some alumni to show off his new desk (which I'm sure some of them saw last year) oh, and the new side fill monitors on stage. Really? Now? I was anxious enough knowing that my performance was minimal and now I had an audience to watch me set up. Fuck off. Get out. I wanted the room totally to myself, but of course I didn't say anything.

Thankfully Matt was kind enough to allocate me sometime to get some more practice in before he filmed me perform. This gave me almost two hours, which even I thought was a bit much. Knowing that it wasn't going to be perfect anyway made me want less time to get in and get away quickly. I mean, it was the last day of term and no one really wanted to be there. I managed to adapt to my looper a little better although it still wasn't 100%. I did finally do the performance. I interrupted Matt in his office because I couldn't take it anymore. I just wanted to get it over with. I had a better idea of what I was doing and if I'm honest, overall it went much better than expected. I just wish I had the time to put more effort in beforehand then maybe it would have been even better.

As a mini celebration to end the stress, I caught up with fellow band mate, Peter in town. If I'm totally honest, my original plan wasn't to have a big meal but naturally that happened. We went to the Pit & Pendulum, where they ID you for coke and they managed to mess up my order. I wasn't in an amazing mood already so I mostly went on about that as they eventually solved the matter. We tried to talk a little about band stuff but its hard when you don't have a full band anyway. We're still after a new vocalist and probably a new bass player so I can jump on keys or guitar.

Thursday was much more relaxing. Finally. It was also a day that I had been waiting for for weeks. Its a shame it couldn't come before all the stress to chill me out and I hoped so much that this day could bring me some much needed inspiration. Recent days have felt quite cold on those terms, creating the odd progression here and there. The rather legendary NR had arranged a charity evening in support of LOROS including a meal and recital. I figured it would be nice to see him and his little village and so told him we would come. By we, (I guess I haven't mentioned him yet on this blog.) I mean my fella, Aaron. We're a rather new thing but I think we work. This made a nice date night for us and also meant that he could meet Nick too. The evening was amazing. I was feeling adventurous with the food and so had the lamb curry and Aaron had the pie. It's always amazing to watch Nick play piano, especially sight reading. It's a skill I don't think I could ever have, as much as I understand music theory I still struggle to read a treble clef at the most of times. Sophie's voice was amazing too. It's a shame I didn't really get to speak to Nick all that much but I definitely got my fair share of hugs. I can only hope that he will still teach me. He's far but he's worth it.

I slept over at Aaron's for the first time that evening, we didn't get loads of sleep because of the sun beaming through the loft window but it was enough to spend more time with each other. When I awoke, I realised how beneficial the night before had been. Even now, almost a week later, I have a sense of closure and a clearer head. The months I'd spent worrying when old news was new. Absent feelings. It almost feels like a new me but for now its back to working on my projects. It's great to still be in contact with Nick.

For now, I've got to continue work on my final projects which currently I have no motivation. I still believe its a lack of students that brings me down and maybe the fact that I do so much more abd have to balance all of that.Either way, in a couple of months I'll be free form it all for and I cant wait. One last push then no more NCN or Nottingham College or whatever they want to call themselves.

*Shakes fist*

Here's to a new new start at UoD!!

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