Not only does June mark me for officially getting old, somewhere in the later end was when I first started playing guitar around ten years ago. Guitar wasn't my first instrument, but this doesn't make my "actually being a musician"stance any further extended. Before starting to learn guitar I would only play simple melodies and chord progressions on a keyboard that I didn't in any way understand aside from recognising a tune. That was the early days of training my ears without knowing. It wasn't until I started to learn guitar that I started to understand structure and learn full songs.
My dad brought me my first guitar in June 2007; an acoustic solutions 3/4 size strat copy. It was more than enough to learn with as I taught myself open chord positions for the first six months, prior to starting lessons at school where I was taught power chords and the pentatonic scale. This was around the point that I learnt my first full song on guitar, Green Day's "Wake Me Up When September Ends." It wasn't until my first year at college (10/11) that I learnt barre chords properly and was introduced to other scales and modes to memorise. Everything seems a blur after this point, to which now I can just pick up a guitar and play... most things.
Bass is a different story entirely and sort of happened by accident. Naturally, the ability to play guitar is a transferable skill when it comes to playing bass. In standard tuning the notes are the same, it is its the positioning that differ slightly because of the thicker strings and larger gaps between the frets. It felt easier at first since there are less notes and less chance of playing chords, but it can easily become much more straining on your hands and fingertips. It didn't take long to adapt. I felt a bit forced onto it at first since there were too many guitarists on my level 3 course, so someone had to step up (or step down) and play bass and that someone was me. Learning to play bass forced me into learning scales and arpeggios more sufficiently so I was able to play walking bass lines without too much thought. I do remember playing Olly Murs "Dance With Me Tonight' and enjoying it a little too much.
I've missed a lot out, I know I have. There's a lot more to learning an instrument that just practicing at home and I believe a lot of the real stuff; the real musicality, comes out when working in a band setting or ensemble of some kind. Where each instrument has its function and its own fundamental right and value and when everything works together, harmoniously it can be a magical experience. Not every band practice is like this with the odd mistake here and there, but when everyone is in tune with each other as well as the instruments, great sessions like these are key to musical development. I've certainly experienced a few this year.
I do remember all those that have taught me and had a lasting impact, starting with Kristina Troke who first introduced me to the the instrument and the basics before I owned a guitar of my own. Emma Priestly, my encouraging school music teacher who unfortunately left me in the dark. My very first guitar teacher Richard (Who's last name I don't think I've ever know), Nick Alexander (my teacher through 08-10) who supported in doing my first ever performance with another of his students. Andy Scoffin (lessons through 10/11) for the generous amounts of Hendrix, Van Halen and ACDC tabs, immense musicianship, inspiration and helping me perfect my techniques with his sometimes harsh criticism, and more recently this year, allowing me to work with his students. Kirsty Proctor, (10/11) for showing me the odd thing here and there during my first year at college and generally being awesome tutor and role model (Minus the Guinness), Dmitry Fedotov (10-13) for helping me grasp that vital link between music theory and guitar playing and more inspiration. It would be rude not to mention Nick Redfern, who took the time to help me further with music theory after exploring modal functions (12/13) and then this year has furthered my development as a guitarist though improvisation sessions and the opportunity to perform with him. I quote him to summarise, "Music is a partnership."
The real life blog of Ilkeston resident, Kim Keeton; aspiring musician and creative whatsit. Follow in my footsteps and discover the ins and outs of my not so simple life, to read about what I do and all that I enjoy. #music #photography #life
Friday, 30 June 2017
Monday, 26 June 2017
Tying Things Up...
This week will see me visit college just the once for a Nottingham Improvisation Club (NIC) (why do I still call it a club?) meet on Wednesday which coincidentally is also the date of my birth. I don't have much else planned for my birthday because most of my closest friends are either on holiday or working. Tough times being an adult, although I am hoping to go to Alton towers again soon.
I'm not sure how many days I will be in college the week after, as I'm meant to be recording again but I said that last time and it just didn't happen. Plus, I'm not even sure everyone is available now people are starting to disperse for holidays. Wednesday, possibly for recording. Thursday, definitely for a barbecue. That's right. I am also performing with the NIC, mind, or rather just Nick, but I will also be on the receiving end of free food as we welcome some of the new students with such food and expertise and the odd comment of, "Yeah, it's alright." to really entice them.
It's odd to think that after Thursday next week I won't be setting foot in college again until at the very least September. Or at least I don't plan too. It will also be early July. This is a worrying factor. I was crossing off the days of my calendar just wondering where the hell June went. June has been both the easiest and the emptiest month and it has flown by. I'm still dreading finding what to do with my spare time which I seem to have copious amounts of as a result of only working weekends. Today was rather successful, mind. For the first time in ages, I went to the gym. It must be months since I last went, I have literally just been wasting my membership so, I made the most of it today with also using their spa facilities. This was much needed after such an intense year that has finally become visible to see to the end.
I'm not sure how many days I will be in college the week after, as I'm meant to be recording again but I said that last time and it just didn't happen. Plus, I'm not even sure everyone is available now people are starting to disperse for holidays. Wednesday, possibly for recording. Thursday, definitely for a barbecue. That's right. I am also performing with the NIC, mind, or rather just Nick, but I will also be on the receiving end of free food as we welcome some of the new students with such food and expertise and the odd comment of, "Yeah, it's alright." to really entice them.
It's odd to think that after Thursday next week I won't be setting foot in college again until at the very least September. Or at least I don't plan too. It will also be early July. This is a worrying factor. I was crossing off the days of my calendar just wondering where the hell June went. June has been both the easiest and the emptiest month and it has flown by. I'm still dreading finding what to do with my spare time which I seem to have copious amounts of as a result of only working weekends. Today was rather successful, mind. For the first time in ages, I went to the gym. It must be months since I last went, I have literally just been wasting my membership so, I made the most of it today with also using their spa facilities. This was much needed after such an intense year that has finally become visible to see to the end.
Friday, 23 June 2017
...Is It Over Yet?
So, the first year of my course officially ended two weeks ago, but it still doesn't feel like the end. I've still being going into college most days to still give myself a bit of a routine, but the truth is I haven't really got anything to do. Wednesday was meant to be more productive than it should have been this week. I was meant to be both practicing and recording with the year 2s, but that didn't happen with one of the band members failing to appear and another disappearing in the afternoon. It is unclear whether the recording of the band will still be happening with everyone dispersing and making a break for the summer. I was also needed for a meeting, which arguably wasn't worth the effort, but Wednesday wasn't a complete waste. I did still play host to the improvisation club which is now usually just myself and Nick, but its fun and sometimes challenging to get out of the repetitive drive.
I spent Thursday sorting out the recordings from the prior club session, breaking them down into more manageable tracks and cutting out the bullshit such as a church organ rendition of ABBA "Money, Money, Money"complete with a Bach styled Fugue. For fucks sake. Mind, it is funny to listen back to, though this song continues to haunt me and I predict that it will for at least the next two years.
Today was nice. I sort of invited myself to and end of year "last supper" styled lunch with the year 2s, provided by Breadders. It was a nice feast and a good end to the year that isn't quite over yet. The will be one last Improvisation club meet up which will be treated as a rehearsal mostly (with the certainty that no one else will show) to follow on to a final short performance the following week on Thursday the 6th. The college have arranged a bit of a barbecue event to welcome all the new students, meaning I should get free food too! After that, I think that may be all for the year. Its a strange feeling. It's almost like I don't want it to end. It is unusual to have no routine and still have to discipline myself to remain vaguely productive. I don't want to waste the summer by enjoying it to much and then regret not studying when I return from having too much fun.
I will find a balance. I hope.
I spent Thursday sorting out the recordings from the prior club session, breaking them down into more manageable tracks and cutting out the bullshit such as a church organ rendition of ABBA "Money, Money, Money"complete with a Bach styled Fugue. For fucks sake. Mind, it is funny to listen back to, though this song continues to haunt me and I predict that it will for at least the next two years.
Today was nice. I sort of invited myself to and end of year "last supper" styled lunch with the year 2s, provided by Breadders. It was a nice feast and a good end to the year that isn't quite over yet. The will be one last Improvisation club meet up which will be treated as a rehearsal mostly (with the certainty that no one else will show) to follow on to a final short performance the following week on Thursday the 6th. The college have arranged a bit of a barbecue event to welcome all the new students, meaning I should get free food too! After that, I think that may be all for the year. Its a strange feeling. It's almost like I don't want it to end. It is unusual to have no routine and still have to discipline myself to remain vaguely productive. I don't want to waste the summer by enjoying it to much and then regret not studying when I return from having too much fun.
I will find a balance. I hope.
Tuesday, 20 June 2017
Strange Times...
It feels weird not having as many responsibilities again. The most I have to worry about currently is the buying presents for upcoming birthdays and then preparation for my own. As I type this, I am still sat in the college library and I wonder, why? I came in today because we had arranged for an opportunity to show each other our final productions and videos, but this didn't really go to plan. I was the only one that showed as well as Adam, but he was busy working on other things so couldn't really join in. Nevertheless, this wasn't the end of it. Matt, my tutor let me watch the others work from his USB stick and even though this meant we missed out on giving each other feedback, I still got to watch and listen to everyone's work and think to myself about the ideas that I liked.
In other news, I got a new phone yesterday; Sony Xperia XA1. It's strange to think that the length of my new contract will see me through the rest of my stay here at New College Nottingham, or Nottingham College as I should call it now. They merged with Central on the 8th of June, thus forming one of the biggest colleges in the UK. It's not been that well hidden as most reps have known or been told about it some way or another and then this filters through to the other students, like myself. I found out before I was declared the student rep for my course. This has been branded as exciting, anyway although I guess most things will remain the same until they have the new build. Anyway... New phone. I've been playing with some of the camera toys and "creative" features and I've fallen in love with a few of them. There is this kaleidoscope one and another that would be useful for making some trippy music videos over the coming years.
Friday, 9 June 2017
So, that's it. That is the first year of course officially done after finishing my last assignment a couple of hours ago. The truth is, I don't now what to do. I have a few things still coming up within college with the FE students but I'm still not entirely sure of their happenings. There is recording session that needs to be done and practice sessions which will hopefully take place over the next couple of weeks. The recording session is sort of planned for the 21st this month, and I will still have the improvisation club to run... if anyone decides to come to the sessions.
Next week feels like it is going to be too easy, with only having a couple of things to come into college for. Working with the intro students for their video project might not be happening, but hopefully I will know for sure by Tuesday.
It's a weird feeling at the moment; to have nothing to do. I don't like it. I quite like being busy and having things to do and I really hope that I don't fall into the pitfall of playing video games constantly. The easiest and best form of entertainment. I have many books to read, one of which was given to me yesterday and many more that I've brought myself throughout the year.
This is the real challenge. Not to go off the rails.
Next week feels like it is going to be too easy, with only having a couple of things to come into college for. Working with the intro students for their video project might not be happening, but hopefully I will know for sure by Tuesday.
It's a weird feeling at the moment; to have nothing to do. I don't like it. I quite like being busy and having things to do and I really hope that I don't fall into the pitfall of playing video games constantly. The easiest and best form of entertainment. I have many books to read, one of which was given to me yesterday and many more that I've brought myself throughout the year.
This is the real challenge. Not to go off the rails.
Thursday, 8 June 2017
Gigs & Whoopsies
Today has been a strange one... As routine slips away and my classes and regular habits have disappeared, moments to prepare for the final gig of the week as well as mostly finish off that I assignment that I never knew about (but it's fine because no one else knew either).
I've had three gigs to play this week over the course of three days. The first gig with the intro students Tuesday evening was excellent. I have agreed with myself that I do not like the Pearl drum kit that the college have in the venue, I can just never get comfy with it and it always feels awkward to play which makes me play rather rigidly. I didn't make too many mistakes and Kirsty finished the night off with a speech that I may have not listened to entirely, even though I thought I did (I turned up for practice today and it wasn't happening).
Wednesday saw an two acoustic performances from me at the NCN Adams building, well the courtyard (which is rather pretty). The idea of the whole event was to promote the college and its courses, more specifically HE course which seemed a little odd as most going to Uni this year would have probably already made their decisions by now and most that were there seemed very young. We didn't get too much of a reaction, partly because we were tucked away. I had been stressing about the happenings of the Improvisation Club performance; which actually went ok. Better than ok, actually. I really enjoyed it. It was just me on guitar and NR at the electric piano, but it was enough and we played three improvisations which each had a different character. We got some really good feedback too. (This is the part where I should rant slightly about not actually needing the students, but still want to keep trying with the idea and purpose of the club, but I'll keep quiet... hmmm). It's a shame because it's a privilege to perform with NR and I think the others would agree even if they have avoided the opportunity yesterday. The second performance that day was an acoustic set with the level threes which also was my first time playing a cajon which I had to get used to rather quickly earlier in the day. The cajon is quite easy to play making it easier to avoid mistakes and I think for that reason I preferred yesterdays gig over tonights. Yesterday was so much more enjoyable and tonight there just seemed to be a lot more pressure.
The final gig tonight went really well, even I did make a few mistakes. The pride from the night was AO's comment, "Probably the best originals night ever." He seemed very impressed by everyone, just a shame he's not the one that marks their work. I was playing drums tonight, mostly very prog-gy since that what we had wrote. The was a variety of genres between the bands which made for an odd contrast. The best part of these gigs has been not having to help pack down. I got told off the first time, so I decided not to bother helping this time around for either and just watch and wait for them to be done it.
I had a rather surreal experience driving home from the gig tonight. As I was driving through Wollaton I remember feeling like I wasn't there at all. An outer body experience? It was really weird and I've never experience anything like this before, apart from passing out once before... I still had full control of everything, I just didn't feel like I was there. I've sort of linked it to my dream from this morning that was so realistic it was almost believable, in fact I woke up believing it had actually happened. The dream was about work, but not how it would normally be; I turned up partly in my pyjamas. I also left earlier that I should have done and ended up returning for the rest of my shift. What is going on? I think I was also stressed about getting to a polling station in time. But, no; the experience seemed much like the Matrix and is difficult to explain.
I still have that one final assignment to complete and submit tomorrow and thats it! I'm done. I'm not going to know what to do with myself! I do, however know that I will still be in and out of college for little bits that I'm still uncertain of with the other students for the next couple of weeks, after that I'm stuffed. I have books to read and I desperately want to get back into going back to the gym, hopefully I'll pick up a few shifts to pay for it too!
I've had three gigs to play this week over the course of three days. The first gig with the intro students Tuesday evening was excellent. I have agreed with myself that I do not like the Pearl drum kit that the college have in the venue, I can just never get comfy with it and it always feels awkward to play which makes me play rather rigidly. I didn't make too many mistakes and Kirsty finished the night off with a speech that I may have not listened to entirely, even though I thought I did (I turned up for practice today and it wasn't happening).
Wednesday saw an two acoustic performances from me at the NCN Adams building, well the courtyard (which is rather pretty). The idea of the whole event was to promote the college and its courses, more specifically HE course which seemed a little odd as most going to Uni this year would have probably already made their decisions by now and most that were there seemed very young. We didn't get too much of a reaction, partly because we were tucked away. I had been stressing about the happenings of the Improvisation Club performance; which actually went ok. Better than ok, actually. I really enjoyed it. It was just me on guitar and NR at the electric piano, but it was enough and we played three improvisations which each had a different character. We got some really good feedback too. (This is the part where I should rant slightly about not actually needing the students, but still want to keep trying with the idea and purpose of the club, but I'll keep quiet... hmmm). It's a shame because it's a privilege to perform with NR and I think the others would agree even if they have avoided the opportunity yesterday. The second performance that day was an acoustic set with the level threes which also was my first time playing a cajon which I had to get used to rather quickly earlier in the day. The cajon is quite easy to play making it easier to avoid mistakes and I think for that reason I preferred yesterdays gig over tonights. Yesterday was so much more enjoyable and tonight there just seemed to be a lot more pressure.
The final gig tonight went really well, even I did make a few mistakes. The pride from the night was AO's comment, "Probably the best originals night ever." He seemed very impressed by everyone, just a shame he's not the one that marks their work. I was playing drums tonight, mostly very prog-gy since that what we had wrote. The was a variety of genres between the bands which made for an odd contrast. The best part of these gigs has been not having to help pack down. I got told off the first time, so I decided not to bother helping this time around for either and just watch and wait for them to be done it.
I had a rather surreal experience driving home from the gig tonight. As I was driving through Wollaton I remember feeling like I wasn't there at all. An outer body experience? It was really weird and I've never experience anything like this before, apart from passing out once before... I still had full control of everything, I just didn't feel like I was there. I've sort of linked it to my dream from this morning that was so realistic it was almost believable, in fact I woke up believing it had actually happened. The dream was about work, but not how it would normally be; I turned up partly in my pyjamas. I also left earlier that I should have done and ended up returning for the rest of my shift. What is going on? I think I was also stressed about getting to a polling station in time. But, no; the experience seemed much like the Matrix and is difficult to explain.
I still have that one final assignment to complete and submit tomorrow and thats it! I'm done. I'm not going to know what to do with myself! I do, however know that I will still be in and out of college for little bits that I'm still uncertain of with the other students for the next couple of weeks, after that I'm stuffed. I have books to read and I desperately want to get back into going back to the gym, hopefully I'll pick up a few shifts to pay for it too!
Monday, 5 June 2017
The Waiting Game...
I'm currently waiting for my music video project to upload to YouTube, given the file format that I typically use exported straight from iMovie (.mov), this could take a while... in fact, YouTube predicted 2 hours and 30 minutes at the start.
As much as waiting for this will feel like forever, I know for sure that these next few days are going to fly by but that does not mean that they are going to be any less valuable. Tomorrow is going to be a long day, starting with some last minute guitar recording at 9am for a friend on my course. I don't know what I'll be playing yet but, hey! It will be good experience as a session musician and nice to be back in the studio which I have isolated myself from, bidding only to use what I have at home. With most of my work now complete there's not really going to be anything for me to do in our actual course sessions tomorrow afternoon, so instead I've decided I will practice with the intro students as they will need me more in preparation for their gig in the evening. I will however need to find time to actually finalise my eportfolio and submit my work in the next couple of days. That should be easy enough.
Wednesday will equally as busy as tomorrow, only I will be able to get home a little earlier and then Thursday will see another late finish succeeding the final gig of the week with the level 3s. As much as it all seems to be a mad rush, I've been really looking forward to this week. It's going to be a challenge; to have everything ready, to have everything done. Finished, then celebrate with performances, making lots of noise on the drum kit which I'm now familiar with.
I do feel quite sad this week, that it is becoming evermore official that the first year is stamped and done with. I have already found another purpose to still be in college, however. I will be involved with the intro students music video project and will be needed for recording and possibly filming. I'm assuming I may still be practicing with the level 3s too so that we can get their original music recorded as that still needs doing - Great, prog and odd time signatures under pressure!
As much as waiting for this will feel like forever, I know for sure that these next few days are going to fly by but that does not mean that they are going to be any less valuable. Tomorrow is going to be a long day, starting with some last minute guitar recording at 9am for a friend on my course. I don't know what I'll be playing yet but, hey! It will be good experience as a session musician and nice to be back in the studio which I have isolated myself from, bidding only to use what I have at home. With most of my work now complete there's not really going to be anything for me to do in our actual course sessions tomorrow afternoon, so instead I've decided I will practice with the intro students as they will need me more in preparation for their gig in the evening. I will however need to find time to actually finalise my eportfolio and submit my work in the next couple of days. That should be easy enough.
Wednesday will equally as busy as tomorrow, only I will be able to get home a little earlier and then Thursday will see another late finish succeeding the final gig of the week with the level 3s. As much as it all seems to be a mad rush, I've been really looking forward to this week. It's going to be a challenge; to have everything ready, to have everything done. Finished, then celebrate with performances, making lots of noise on the drum kit which I'm now familiar with.
I do feel quite sad this week, that it is becoming evermore official that the first year is stamped and done with. I have already found another purpose to still be in college, however. I will be involved with the intro students music video project and will be needed for recording and possibly filming. I'm assuming I may still be practicing with the level 3s too so that we can get their original music recorded as that still needs doing - Great, prog and odd time signatures under pressure!
Friday, 2 June 2017
As We Come To The End...
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Me & Bekkie after filming on location #2, 01/06/17. |
A couple of days ago, I rearranged the coffee table in my bedroom (completely emptying it of everything) and covered it with a plastic bin bag. I had brought some emulsion paints weeks before (on the day of the conference) and a cheap speaker that I found in a charity shop for a couple of quid to experiment with and film the result, which is now included in my music video. It wasn't as messy as I thought it was going to be, but it was very difficult keeping the unpredictable splashes away from my camera lens. Thankfully, the camera is my own and it did clean off so, that doesn't really matter. However, I ended up with a mess, but a nice mix of pastel colour which seemed almost completely by chance.
I've managed to knock this video together really quickly, but it is not rushed. The video is near five minutes long and on average I've had roughly two two hour sessions producing the final product. As I mentioned before, there are a few parts that need tweaking, but that should only take about another hour if I remain focused, meaning that once it is finished I would have spent approximately an hour per minute. When I think about it this way, it makes me realise how much work I've put into this. The good news is that I'm on track for meeting my final deadline and possibly even handing it all in a day early. That's really quite something for me, aha! Usually, I'm bang on the day, just a few minutes before. No, this needs more attention and isn't something I could get away with scrambling together last minute. I wouldn't even think to trust it to export and upload on time. It would never work!
In other news, not only have I got all of my final deadlines next Week but, I've also got three college gigs to play; one with the intro students on Tuesday evening, one at the NCN Adams building for a HE showcase event on Wednesday and then one with the level 3 year 2 students on Thursday evening - that one being the most demanding, but I should also say, "save the best 'till last."
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