I've been working on a lot of assignments recently as the deadlines are starting to become more apparent, but I've been finding it difficult to concentrate at home. I went into college yesterday and I'm here again today to try and get some work done, but if I'm honest I haven't been as productive as I planned. I have got some work done, mind. I have made a great start on my Music Industry assignment for my tutor, Matt and I am now 600 word into the word count of about 1800. I'm all caught up with my recording journal and today I've managed to produce a plan and start researching for my Live Sound assignment.
It's hard to believe that I am "off" Uni this week, as I've been there so much regardless. I don't resent the place because of this, mind. I quite enjoy being here. I had a thought this morning of, "What am I going to do when Clarendon actually closes it's doors for the holidays or longer and I can no longer just walk in to do work, or even when I leave?". I was even in college Tuesday and Wednesday this week to start finalising my sequencing project that is also due in soon. I'm glad it's at about the right length now.
With all this stress that comes naturally with mounds of assignments, I figured that the best thing for me to do that night was to escape it and do something that I haven't done in a while.I decided to go for an evening walk. It was very dark and mildly cold, but the solitude was very satisfying, also to get away from home life and walk the canal toe path brought me back to the feel of the surounding nature. I used to do this all of the time growing up, I never really had many friends, but I would always go out for an adventure and I really didn't like staying in. It's a surprise that I ever managed to learn an instrument with the amount of time I spent outside. No, it was really nice, I took my iPod with me and shuffled along, the whole walk took me about an hour and a half just walking in a bit of a circle. I followed my end of the canal path, through Gallows Field, over the train bridge following the public toepath heading in the direction of Awsworth, but then following another path leading of that after some time back to a further part of the canal, to then walk that part of the canal, back home, but then joining back to the roadway.
I could feel my legs starting ache as I got closer to home during the last stretch, that's truely when you you've had a good walk, that and when your back starts to ache too - which mine did. I felt revitalised afterwards and fully recharged, I just now need to resurface my motivation and continue as I did in January, to conquer this monster workload and survive the mammoth month that is March. Hold steady!
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