Wednesday, 4 January 2017

First Day Back At Uni In The New Year

Even though it's been three weeks, it feels like I haven't been away. Today is a strange one and certainly hasn't gone exactly as planned, although I have managed to get a fair load of work done, even if I still have much more to do. The feeling is different with the presence of a new year and I can sense the January blues lingering and the largely agreed feeling that we have come back too soon. Don't get me wrong I feel more than glad to be back, but the tiredness and realisation of just how close some deadlines are drawing is really quite alarming.

As I write todays piece I am sat in lesson, but that's ok though because our lecturer hasn't bothered to show up. Alongside writing today's rant I've been working on my Music in Context essay which must have roughly 2500 word count. I'm finally pushing along with it. I've been struggling to focus over the festive season with there being so many flashy things, bright colours and other distractions.

Later edit: I surprised myself today when I managed to add some new ideas to my sequencing project, I thought I wouldn't be capable of such creativity with it being the first day back and did I mention I am tired due to lack of sleep? That was my own fault, staying up until 2am and then I didn't even prepare my clothes.

I did run into a problem with Logic Pro X today, quite literally. I was pacing away with my vague new idea, relishing about changing the time signature from a joyous 6/8 to a sudden 6/4 and how unusual the transition sounds. I started to edit the drums for this new section and I must of clicked something that had gone unnoticed and it wouldn't let me edit any other MIDI even apart from the one already open. High-hats - thanks, guys. After around three quarters of an hour of becoming more and more frustrated, restarting Logic several times to see if that solved the issue I finally decided to "google it". It was a simple fix in the end which makes this experience all the more painful, after which I saved my work and gave up. I thought I did well considering in the weeks leading up to the Christmas break, I would spend most of this class time finalising assignments. That being said, there is some achievement here at least.

I have two books to return this Friday which I borrowed from the library before Christmas, neither of which I have managed to sit down comfortably and read. I think I will give one of them a scour over tomorrow otherwise it will be a waste. I feel awful having not done much work over the Christmas break and each time I remind myself I tell myself I must be a terrible student, which isn't good for the morale.

Maybe I will learn from this for later this year and the year after and remember just how many problems I have caused for myself, that or I'll experience this all over again. The later sounds more familiar.

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