Recently I've been searching around my room for a specific old scrap of paper from an old A4 graph book. This wasn't my best choice to write my ideas on but, it must have been the closest thing to me when the ideas came to mind all those years ago. I'm not 100% what year I wrote this but, I believe it was before my college years whilst I was studying for my GCSEs in school. If I had to guess, I'd say I was about 13/14 when I wrote this. I vaguely remember writing this song but, I can definitely remember that it was one of my first intended with the accompaniment of a piano. It's quite a sad song really and I notated any actual music for it although I can still remember the vocal melody in my mind which must be a good sign.
In the image I have shared of this work, you'll notice a little lightning strike sort of shape against the word 'inside' at the bottom right corner and a similar thing that was later scribbled out just underneath. I got into a habit of using these shorthand for what would my musical equivalent of half a turn. A turn that doesn't go back to the root and just goes the starting note, one note above the starting note, back to the starting note and then one note below the starting note. these were not necessarily performed any faster, it was just a quick pitch reference for me that probably wouldn't mean anything to anyone else without a full explanation just like this. It doesn't help when the symbol I draw does suggest to myself going back to above and beyond the starting note but, I know what I mean. I didn't use these kind of things very often, although I cannot deny that looking through old lyric books that you would not find any more.
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