Today has been a strange one to say the least but, a good day all the same. I started off my day by doing absolutely nothing but, then decided to go out shopping for a couple of hours. I only really came back with a new extension lead for my far corner sockets and a few snacks for later.
Recently, I've been stressing so much over a lot of things. I have my first University interview on Tuesday and I am fairly nervous. I'm still undecided on which song I should play for my audition even though I have less than four days to prepare it. Oosh. I have been practising a bit today though but, of course I saved it until last minute. It's all very exciting, the thought of going to University.
I've also been out on my skateboard today for the first time in a while and it's been so bliss. I rode to Kirk Hallam to start off with to venture to an old friends new house. He didn't know I was coming. He never really knows when I decided to visit. It is usually when I don't hear back from him after a while though and then he seems to have this look on his face that says "Oh, God not you." but, everything is fine. Sort of. Thats probably what I just keep telling myself to be honest. We have a lot of history but, I'm not in this game to loose him as a friend after thirteen years. I think I've known him since I was severn or eight so gosh, it could be fourteen this year. Nope, I refuse to loose friendships this year and only to gain them.
Eh, either way hopefully I'm meeting up with him again soon. We've sort of agreed it already it's just actually doing it, though all of this forward planning is reassuring.
My last bit of news would be of the tragic death of my mixing desk. Thankfully, I have a spare. A spare that is most probably actually better than the last, mostly because it fucking works. Now, I don't usually swear in my blogs but, there's a time and a place. I was about to record today and I just can't find the effort right now to set up my other mixer. Recording is cancelled. Forever. (I'm joking)
It is quite upsetting though, I've been using that mixing desk since the 5th of April 2013 when I first brought it off a random bloke. I don't know how old it was when I got it but, I presumed not very. It's done it's job for the last couple of years and very well, I'd say too with my amateur fingers. Well, everything has it's time I suppose but, this damn thing didn't have to give me a mild electric shock and a numb finger to tell me. It nearly took me with it. I totally nearly died tonight. I felt the electric run up my neck a little too. It felt weird.
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