Monday, 9 March 2015


Well, my last day with my previous employer was the 6th of March. I have had a couple of meetings with a lovely lady from the ASDA in Long Eaton about the transfer that is ongoing, one on the 5th and then one on the 6th. On the 6th, I received my official transfer letter welcoming me to the company. I had already received similar to this when one of the HR lady came for a meeting with us all at Larklands but, that was just for welcoming purposes. I can't believe the wait is finally over. I remember my boss telling me about what is going to happen back in mid January and now the site is empty and well... gone! I was there on the last day of trading despite working nights in Daybrook at the same time. One the last day we didn't sell any fuel just cigarettes and whatever else was left in the shop, even though most of the stock was packed in boxes ready to be sent to the other site. It was a bit weird actually. No costa coffee machine as that had been collected on the 27th of February. Some of our regular customers reaction were brilliantly entertaining when they had realised the machine had gone, baring in mind most of them brought one every single day.
Goodbye, Esso! 06/03/15
I don't have to go back into ASDA Long Eaton until Thursday now, it is a little strange having so much time to myself. I'm so used to just working all of the time I just don't know what to do. Anyone would think I am bored or something. I do hope to try and get something recorded while I have the time. I managed to tidy up a drum track I had started for one of my new songs yesterday but, I still have a lot of work to do with that and there could still be some changes made. As it stands, I have only recorded 3 out of 10 (at least) songs. I am still planning on going ahead with my ep, I just still can't put a finger on when it will be ready. I said December before but, I didn't state which year!

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