Monday, 16 June 2014

The Prince's Trust Team Programme: Week 12

I can't believe that it is the final week of The Prince's Trust Team Programme already. I seems strange that in less than four days it will all come to a glorious end. This Thursday is our Final Team Presentation where every member of the team gives a speech, now I haven't quite got my speech ready yet but I am preparing something else. The other week I started working on an original song to go with my team, almost like a theme tune but also something to commemorate that we have finished the course. I didn't want to make it to extravagant but, enough to show off my skills as a amateur producer that mostly uses Audacity. I probably shouldn't bring myself down so much but, I assume that's what most people think if I'm using free software.

The song is coming along nicely now, even though at the moment it is lacking in the lyrical department in fact I'm missing a whole verse even though musically it is in there. I'm hoping that my Team Leaders will join in on the song featuring for a Rap Battle, it sounds a little immature and maybe a little risky to use for the final performance but, I really think it will go down well and that most people would take it with a great sense on humor. The only problem is that I have two days left to complete this whole song, which only makes it even more challenging. I will be so proud of myself if I manage to complete this on time. I think my team will be too!


Here is a snippet of what I have been working on:

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