Saturday 27 June 2020

Life at 26... almost

Well, the world has certainly changed over the last three months. I'm sat here at my Mac, trying to make plans to move forward with releases both external and through my own label Niahas records whilst the idiot minority dive to the beaches. The Black Lives Matter movement has been massive and thankfully all of my friends have reacted positively to the current climate with no racist remarks, in fact it's been nice to mostly see positive posts in my my Facebook feed. Social distancing is still a thing, although not to some apparently. Boris relaxed the rules a bit but said it has to wait until the 4th of July when the pubs and hair dressers reopen but I think the ignorant believe it's no longer exists. I've been in situation where I can't, mostly at work but I'm not mad paranoid like some. If I see friends, I ask them what they are comfortable with. It feels like common sense.

Enough of the depressing stuff, my gaming habits have again changed. I've not been playing so much recently because I've been working on some remixes that will be released externally soon (will mention more about it when I have more details) I've been playing The Last Of Us (the first part) on PS3 to catch up for if I ever play the new release. I'm ashamed to say I had not had a proper run through before but I'm enjoying it and I'm at a point where it is a bit terrifying. I had to stop playing one night because of the bloater in the hotel basement, although I have since got past that point and I'm now out of the sewers and in a hostel neighbourhood with a cosy sniper.

I'm not planning on doing much tomorrow, I can't really anyway! We're having burgers for lunch and I'm loading mine with peanut butter and jam - Annie's style! It would be nice to get a take out from there but it's just too far and they're not properly open until next week. I don't have any other plans, I might get to see a couple of friends but I'm mostly just bracing myself for all the Facebook posts on my wall. I'm ahead of myself, I've already thought about what I would like to buy with my birthday money, admittedly it's mostly games. I wanted to invest in more music tech this year but at the moment can't justify it with the social restrictions. I wanted an 8 channel interface so I could record more instruments simultaneously but that means more people and I hardly have any space in my room as it is. Plus, I was hoping to grab some gear from college but that plan fell apart. I might message AO soon though, I keep thinking about it.

Anyway, I've drawn up a plan for the rest of this year concerning my music and I'm happy with it. It's given me a new focus and it's probably something I should have done a few months ago. My issue is, I keep holding back and I need to start pushing forward. I was doing so well and I feel like I've fallen behind (I don't blame the video games at all, it's a personal choice) I need to focus on myself some more. The only thing I can announce right now is to expect some tracks from me this month. Two external releases and a remaster of a track I can't get enough of.

I hope I've given someone something to look forward to.