What a strange couple of months it's been. I feel like I've not quite fully been in control of everything but still somehow managed to get plenty enough done to survive this long. It's nice to feel like I'm finally taking back control. I'm not sure if it was just the show I'd been watching on Amazon Prime that's fucked with me or if more rather it's a combination of that and gaining weight again. I've put a stop to comfort eating now and have lost a bit already which has made me happier. To think, how thin I was in June last year. All that I achieved to benefit myself and I need to do it all over again, maybe loose a stone or again to be where I was then. Hell I miss it. I was talking to a new colleague at work about all the holidays I had last year and the craziness of Spain. It's raining here now and it's been ridiculously windy lately. I miss the sun. We had fools spring the other week when it was actually quite warm for the time of year. I need it to dry up again so that the leak in my bedroom doesn't get any worse.
But, no. I've really perked up these last couple of weeks which is great. This is exactly the time that I need to be in the right frame of mind. I've done so much recording lately, tweaking midi data. There's still a lot to be done for my album project but I realised something that I should have when the module was presented to me. This is actually fucking happening. And actually, if I wanted to, I could release it as a physical product because it is very real and it's something I feel like I've been working on since I started playing guitar which was almost 12 years ago now. It's making me realise just how much this really counts and the potential. Where could this take me if I do release it? and what could this lead to?
I've been hoping since the start of the year that my previous band will reform into something new and exciting again and I'm still excited about that for when it happens. I just want to start gigging again and get out there. Ideally, be able to make a living off music. The Music Production Show was last week at the University of Derby. I've just typed out a massive blog post about it for extra credit on my EIPP module so I'm not gonna write about it again just yet but it was quite insightful. I'm going to a gig tomorrow, Thomas Leeb is playing The Running Horse in Nottingham and I'm quite exited for that at the moment, then I have another gig to go to Thursday night to see Left-Hand-Lane at Albert's Bar, Nottingham. Which reminds me, I sill need to mix what I recorded with them. Absolutely, love their sound.