Friday, 23 October 2015

Pierre Bouvier Mentioned Me In A Live Facebook Video!!

This is just a short post to remember this moment. I commented asking when the new album will be released and he answered my question, not only that but, HE SAID MY NAME!! LIVE!!! As a huge Simple Plan fan this means a lot to me. Now, just to wait for January!

Here is a link to the video!


Friday, 9 October 2015

Applying For Uni

By the end of this academic year, it is hard for me to believe that I would have had 3 years out of education. It is almost scary how time passes and then creeps up on you. The other day I registered to UCAS, that was a big step for me. I have partly filled in most of the more important details and I have already chosen two options, one of which is based at my old college, the other based at Derby University. Im still not entirely sure what I want to do with my life, I never really have been but, I do know that I don't want to work in retail for the rest of my life. In fact I don't really want to work in retail at all. I have had so many horrible experiences with customers it's just off-putting but, for now I need the money as support so I can utilise my time at Uni and still take advantage afterwards.

I have two plans. I have decided that I don't really want to go into teaching even though before, it was something I would have considered. One of plans is to again form a working band, rehearse and tour. My other plan is a little more relaxed yet still comes with a demanding work load, to BE a record label. I already have most of the hard ware I need for most artist  that are at the very start of their musical careers, this is why I feel like it is something I can do. Either way, I would be a lot happier doing either of those for a living rather than wearing my customer service face.