Friday, 1 May 2015

That Other Blog, You Know...

My main focus recently has been to keep track of whats happening at my old work place. Work has finally started and the demolition is taking place. The blog I started: 'Goodbye, Esso' to remember this all by is doing quite well, its not reaching mass amounts of page views but it is proving worthwhile. I have shared this other blog with my colleagues and it is by far the easiest way to keep everyone up to date. Im actually enjoying just simply going down to the site, having a look and then taking a few photos. I'm only using the camera on my phone so then the photos are easier to upload though google later on. Because the site has been so active recently I have already reached 10 posts, most of which are just lots of photos. There are even some that I haven't included in the blog either because I thought they weren't good enough or the just wasn't enough room. I need to have a look whats happening down there later, so thats one thing I will do today.

In regards to recording. Long story short, that has been put back until I can be bothered to set up my mixer again (Everything is in the way under my desk so it takes a lot of effort).