Wednesday, 1 October 2014


For those of you that don't know, I am a massive fan of TPG otherwise known as The Piano Guys. When I first discovered them it was the beginning of my second college year, when I was studying Music Performance at NCN Clarendon. It was during a composing session, when I'd dozed off to YouTube to take it easy for a while when I found Jarrod Raddnich playing two awesome piano solos on on The Piano Guys Channel. Raddnich was never really a true piano guys member though he clearly had the potential to be. As he was my first view of TPG, he set a great example and I was amazed, instantly wanting to tell friends (even though, they didn't seem to care much). On the same day, I continued to watch through all of their videos, totally engrossing in all of them. Instantly, I found a connection.

I missed out on seeing the guys live this year as they were performing too far away from home. The closest venues were in Birmingham and Manchester, UK. I'm so happy that they are finally visiting extremely local to me. It's almost like a dream. I've been waiting so long already for this and now I know that I only have to wait till June!!