Monday, 18 November 2013

EP Recording

Me at my station. L2 Audio Mixer. Emachines Netbook.
Today was the day that we recorded our EP. Over the last couple of days I have been taking most of recording gear over to Lucy's house in preparation to record. I had to take mixer, my netbook and many leads. Lucy also had some leads that we used and I think in the end we just about had enough for each microphone, same goes for inputs on my mixer.

Emmett, our drummer brought a couple of condenser mics with him which was handy and we used those on this drums. He also brought a few extra mic stands and Lucy had a few that we could use too.

Lucy & David recording guitars with the
Behringer C-1.
I brought lots of electrical tape mostly in preparation for the aftermath so we could tape up the leads neatly. I ended up giving Lucy some because I had brought so much of the stuff. I had one specific yellow roll that I used to tape over the bottom of the mixer so that I could write on each track what was what. It was confusing enough as it is with all of the wires everywhere so I figured it would be best for quick access if something went wrong/was too loud, I would then know where to find the problem.

Once everything was set up and we had the right levels, I gave the instruction to record all of the drums and the guitars together. Not very professional I know, but it was the best way we could do this. We had a couple of take and then decided between us all which one we liked best. We did this for all of the songs. We used three mics on for the drum kit and one mic with two line inputs for the guitars (One input for each guitar) and I was quite happy with the sound we managed to capture overall. Like I said earlier, not so much professional (I used Audacity to record this), but it was certainly enough for a rough demo sound and my Behringer C-1 really helped the guitars come out of the track a lot more.
Emmett Recording Drums.
 One we had the acoustic guitars and drums recorded together, we had break down some of the stands with mics that were no longer needed and rearrange my mixer to make it ready for tracking vocals. For this, I literally just set up my C-1 for Lucy, it really is excellent for vocals and I just can't get enough of the quality it allows. Lucy had to listen to what we had just recorded using headphones to know where she was with the track, again we had a few takes at each one and I muted each attempt to be ready for the next so each attempt created it's own channel. It look less time to record vocals because there was less to set up and in fairness, more room for error. All I have left to record now is the sound of my bass guitar which I will do either later tonight or tomorrow now. I figured that there wasn't much point in me doing it there and then at Lucy's house because it is something I could literally just finish off at home. Homework if you like plus, I didn't have my bass at Lucy's so it would have been impossible and would have just been another thing to carry back home.

Friday, 15 November 2013


It's been a busy couple of days. Yesterday, I played a gig at the golden fleece in Nottingham and the day before, performed and NCN  both with my band. I really enjoyed both of them, my band zebra crossing is really coming along, even though I do think we need a much bigger set list. At the moment we have still got about 45 minutes worth of a set list.  We are practicing again this Sunday but, I think we will be mostly working on what we already know but I'm unsure we might learn new song whether it be a cover or an original. We are always want to learn new songs.

At the moment, I have a side project on the way as well. I don't want to reveal too much about it right now because.. well, I'm trying to keep it a secret for now! Before I can make a side project happen, I need to invest in some new equipment. I want to buy another condenser mic so I can capture more high quality sounds, I want to get a new amplifier which would have to be quite a loud one for my guitar.

I thought for a change I should upload a photo of myself. For a change, I have actually bothered to straighten my hair properly. It's getting quite long now, the kind of long where if I don't do anything with it, it looks terrible.