Tuesday, 29 October 2013

The Behringer C1

Yesterday, I brought myself a charming new condenser microphone. I brought it of someone that no longer wanted it and it came with a stand and cable. It was kind of an impulse buy, as I've been after a new good quality microphone for a while so I didn't exactly do my research before buying. The package cost my £35 and I have no need to complain. I had to collect it myself which wasn't a problem at all, it just took a while to get there but, at least it was only a zig zag away! I wanted to test it out as soon as I got back but, had to wait until I had eaten. I didn't get back home till after 7pm and hadn't had anything to eat.

When I finally got it out of the box, I was excited to get it all set up and ready with my mixer. I set up the stand first, quite low because I tend to sit at my desk in my bedroom. I had to screw the mic onto the stand with the swivel stand mount. It was really easy to set up and I never anticipated it to be a challenge. Maybe I did learn something in the college recording lessons after all, even though I use a totally different set up.

I spent an hour 'testing' the microphone yesterday night and it really is good quality. This morning I did my research on this particular microphone and on its own its worth between £35-45 depending where you look though, I noticed that Behringer also make a USB version, the C-1U that is almost identical to the model I own apart form the connection.

After spending a lot of time just messing around recording little bits and pieces and playing them back to hear the quality, I had an idea to make an atmospheric track using only the microphone and any other useful objects that were close by but, no instuments.

This is the result. Happy Halloween!

If you haven't guessed, I highly recommend this microphone!

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Thanks, for all of the Support!

I'm going to be posting more regularly on here now, mostly about my band Zebra Crossing.

Yesterday, saw the release of our video of us playing our new song 'Drunk on Tequila'. Over the last day and a half, this video is nearly at 200 views. It's good to know we have some strong support behind us now and with our Facebook fan page increasing with 'likes' everyday, we are so lucky. I wanted to put out a massive to everyone for all the support so far, even if it was something as simple as liking our page, subscribing or even taking the time out to watch one of our videos on YouTube., so THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!

At the moment, we are still working on the website and will be practicing again later on this evening, hopefully to learn so more songs to add to our setlist!

See you on the next post.


Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Updates for Zebra Crossing

At the current moment we are mostly working on developing our set list by adding move covers and slowly writing new originals. We are releasing a video on YouTube tomorrow which is a recording of us during practice, playing our new song 'Drunk on Tequila'. We wrote this song as a band, coming up with the lyrics together sat around as a team suggesting ideas. When we release it tomorrow, I hope you like it!

We've also been simultaneously working on a web page. At the moment it is still under construction and still needs a fair bit adding to it until it is full complete and we are satisfied enough to show it off. Yesterday, I spent almost two hours sat with my friend Thomas Edwards whist he was writing the script for the website and going over ideas we could use. He has made many websites before, check out this link shortener that he made! http://smallurl.in/

COMING SOON! >zebracrossingofficial.co.uk<COMING SOON

We're going to be putting biographies onto our website, so that people can learn more about us and feel more involved. We'er also going to put a gallery for our good pictures taken of our band so, live, fun, individual, selfies ect. ect. It's slowly piecing together anyway and I can't wait till it's finished.

We still have many postcards that Lucy got printed to share about. I spent the later hours last night designing a poster to make awearness and promote our social media a little more. I'm not completely happy with them yet, but, I can't moan about them too much. I spent about one hour and twenty minuets putting it together, trying to make it look fairly professional. The idea of the bottom is that we cut them separately so people tear off the links if they want to check us out.

I am quite proud of this, though again I owe Thomas Edwards my thanks for making us the new logo that will be changed on the pages soon.


Vote, The Piano Guys!

I voted for this classical tribute to David Guetta to win Response of the year, make sure you do too. I myself am a massive fan of The piano Guys and have been ever since I first discovered them nearly two years ago now. They have come along way and recently reached over 2 Million Subscribers! The music they create is absolutely incredible and fully enjoyable in a number of different ways.



Be sure to check them out and vote by sharing this video! :D

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

A Mid October Moan

Well, again it has been a while since I last posted. Time has been going by so fast recently it's starting to become difficult to keep on track. My last month has mostly consisted of job searching and all things associated and such, that and practicing with my band Zebra Crossing. We've played at a couple of open mic nights now but, we are wanting to build up our set list now. We're still not even completely sure what genre we are but, we're content with what we do and that is all that matters.

More recently, in fact last Sunday we started working on a new song which we managed to finish yesterday in our practice session. We haven't recorded it yet in anyway but, I do think it needs a little bit of 'tidying up' first. It's early days! We usually video parts of our practice and put them on YouTube. We've had a couple of views and likes. It's really nice to get feedback.

Not too long, ago we sent around a link to video of ourselves performing live at The Guitar Bar in Nottingham. That video at current has just reached 15 likes, 345 views and it's still live and counting. Check out the video here!

CLICK-HERE>Zebra Crossing - Chocolate (Cover)<CLICK-HERE

Lucy, our singer recently brought into some post cards for us to pass around for promotion. I'm not entirely sure what I'm going to do with mine yet but, I'll think of something.

Check out our Facebook page!


In other news, my job searching isn't going to well but I have some possible work experience on the line as an Assistant Theatre Technician. It sounds interesting and I am looking forward to it. I've been told there is a lot of traveling and 'time in the van' involved but, also that travel is provided.

In other news, the Ilkeston Charter Fair starts today and as if by chance it is raining! Every year, it rains for the fair so it's not exactly unbelievable. *sighs* No doubt, I will go this year. If the weather is miserable or not, it's almost tradition. Besides, it really is the only time of the year when Ilkeston is busier than out neighboring cities Derby or Nottingham. It's not far off a ghost town now, it's already been ripped on national television by being compared to a better town. Still, I will continue to listen to The Piano Guys and mull it over in deep thought.

Till the next time!