Monday, 18 November 2013

EP Recording

Me at my station. L2 Audio Mixer. Emachines Netbook.
Today was the day that we recorded our EP. Over the last couple of days I have been taking most of recording gear over to Lucy's house in preparation to record. I had to take mixer, my netbook and many leads. Lucy also had some leads that we used and I think in the end we just about had enough for each microphone, same goes for inputs on my mixer.

Emmett, our drummer brought a couple of condenser mics with him which was handy and we used those on this drums. He also brought a few extra mic stands and Lucy had a few that we could use too.

Lucy & David recording guitars with the
Behringer C-1.
I brought lots of electrical tape mostly in preparation for the aftermath so we could tape up the leads neatly. I ended up giving Lucy some because I had brought so much of the stuff. I had one specific yellow roll that I used to tape over the bottom of the mixer so that I could write on each track what was what. It was confusing enough as it is with all of the wires everywhere so I figured it would be best for quick access if something went wrong/was too loud, I would then know where to find the problem.

Once everything was set up and we had the right levels, I gave the instruction to record all of the drums and the guitars together. Not very professional I know, but it was the best way we could do this. We had a couple of take and then decided between us all which one we liked best. We did this for all of the songs. We used three mics on for the drum kit and one mic with two line inputs for the guitars (One input for each guitar) and I was quite happy with the sound we managed to capture overall. Like I said earlier, not so much professional (I used Audacity to record this), but it was certainly enough for a rough demo sound and my Behringer C-1 really helped the guitars come out of the track a lot more.
Emmett Recording Drums.
 One we had the acoustic guitars and drums recorded together, we had break down some of the stands with mics that were no longer needed and rearrange my mixer to make it ready for tracking vocals. For this, I literally just set up my C-1 for Lucy, it really is excellent for vocals and I just can't get enough of the quality it allows. Lucy had to listen to what we had just recorded using headphones to know where she was with the track, again we had a few takes at each one and I muted each attempt to be ready for the next so each attempt created it's own channel. It look less time to record vocals because there was less to set up and in fairness, more room for error. All I have left to record now is the sound of my bass guitar which I will do either later tonight or tomorrow now. I figured that there wasn't much point in me doing it there and then at Lucy's house because it is something I could literally just finish off at home. Homework if you like plus, I didn't have my bass at Lucy's so it would have been impossible and would have just been another thing to carry back home.

Friday, 15 November 2013


It's been a busy couple of days. Yesterday, I played a gig at the golden fleece in Nottingham and the day before, performed and NCN  both with my band. I really enjoyed both of them, my band zebra crossing is really coming along, even though I do think we need a much bigger set list. At the moment we have still got about 45 minutes worth of a set list.  We are practicing again this Sunday but, I think we will be mostly working on what we already know but I'm unsure we might learn new song whether it be a cover or an original. We are always want to learn new songs.

At the moment, I have a side project on the way as well. I don't want to reveal too much about it right now because.. well, I'm trying to keep it a secret for now! Before I can make a side project happen, I need to invest in some new equipment. I want to buy another condenser mic so I can capture more high quality sounds, I want to get a new amplifier which would have to be quite a loud one for my guitar.

I thought for a change I should upload a photo of myself. For a change, I have actually bothered to straighten my hair properly. It's getting quite long now, the kind of long where if I don't do anything with it, it looks terrible.

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

The Behringer C1

Yesterday, I brought myself a charming new condenser microphone. I brought it of someone that no longer wanted it and it came with a stand and cable. It was kind of an impulse buy, as I've been after a new good quality microphone for a while so I didn't exactly do my research before buying. The package cost my £35 and I have no need to complain. I had to collect it myself which wasn't a problem at all, it just took a while to get there but, at least it was only a zig zag away! I wanted to test it out as soon as I got back but, had to wait until I had eaten. I didn't get back home till after 7pm and hadn't had anything to eat.

When I finally got it out of the box, I was excited to get it all set up and ready with my mixer. I set up the stand first, quite low because I tend to sit at my desk in my bedroom. I had to screw the mic onto the stand with the swivel stand mount. It was really easy to set up and I never anticipated it to be a challenge. Maybe I did learn something in the college recording lessons after all, even though I use a totally different set up.

I spent an hour 'testing' the microphone yesterday night and it really is good quality. This morning I did my research on this particular microphone and on its own its worth between £35-45 depending where you look though, I noticed that Behringer also make a USB version, the C-1U that is almost identical to the model I own apart form the connection.

After spending a lot of time just messing around recording little bits and pieces and playing them back to hear the quality, I had an idea to make an atmospheric track using only the microphone and any other useful objects that were close by but, no instuments.

This is the result. Happy Halloween!

If you haven't guessed, I highly recommend this microphone!

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Thanks, for all of the Support!

I'm going to be posting more regularly on here now, mostly about my band Zebra Crossing.

Yesterday, saw the release of our video of us playing our new song 'Drunk on Tequila'. Over the last day and a half, this video is nearly at 200 views. It's good to know we have some strong support behind us now and with our Facebook fan page increasing with 'likes' everyday, we are so lucky. I wanted to put out a massive to everyone for all the support so far, even if it was something as simple as liking our page, subscribing or even taking the time out to watch one of our videos on YouTube., so THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!

At the moment, we are still working on the website and will be practicing again later on this evening, hopefully to learn so more songs to add to our setlist!

See you on the next post.

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Updates for Zebra Crossing

At the current moment we are mostly working on developing our set list by adding move covers and slowly writing new originals. We are releasing a video on YouTube tomorrow which is a recording of us during practice, playing our new song 'Drunk on Tequila'. We wrote this song as a band, coming up with the lyrics together sat around as a team suggesting ideas. When we release it tomorrow, I hope you like it!

We've also been simultaneously working on a web page. At the moment it is still under construction and still needs a fair bit adding to it until it is full complete and we are satisfied enough to show it off. Yesterday, I spent almost two hours sat with my friend Thomas Edwards whist he was writing the script for the website and going over ideas we could use. He has made many websites before, check out this link shortener that he made!


We're going to be putting biographies onto our website, so that people can learn more about us and feel more involved. We'er also going to put a gallery for our good pictures taken of our band so, live, fun, individual, selfies ect. ect. It's slowly piecing together anyway and I can't wait till it's finished.

We still have many postcards that Lucy got printed to share about. I spent the later hours last night designing a poster to make awearness and promote our social media a little more. I'm not completely happy with them yet, but, I can't moan about them too much. I spent about one hour and twenty minuets putting it together, trying to make it look fairly professional. The idea of the bottom is that we cut them separately so people tear off the links if they want to check us out.

I am quite proud of this, though again I owe Thomas Edwards my thanks for making us the new logo that will be changed on the pages soon.

Vote, The Piano Guys!

I voted for this classical tribute to David Guetta to win Response of the year, make sure you do too. I myself am a massive fan of The piano Guys and have been ever since I first discovered them nearly two years ago now. They have come along way and recently reached over 2 Million Subscribers! The music they create is absolutely incredible and fully enjoyable in a number of different ways.


Be sure to check them out and vote by sharing this video! :D

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

A Mid October Moan

Well, again it has been a while since I last posted. Time has been going by so fast recently it's starting to become difficult to keep on track. My last month has mostly consisted of job searching and all things associated and such, that and practicing with my band Zebra Crossing. We've played at a couple of open mic nights now but, we are wanting to build up our set list now. We're still not even completely sure what genre we are but, we're content with what we do and that is all that matters.

More recently, in fact last Sunday we started working on a new song which we managed to finish yesterday in our practice session. We haven't recorded it yet in anyway but, I do think it needs a little bit of 'tidying up' first. It's early days! We usually video parts of our practice and put them on YouTube. We've had a couple of views and likes. It's really nice to get feedback.

Not too long, ago we sent around a link to video of ourselves performing live at The Guitar Bar in Nottingham. That video at current has just reached 15 likes, 345 views and it's still live and counting. Check out the video here!

CLICK-HERE>Zebra Crossing - Chocolate (Cover)<CLICK-HERE

Lucy, our singer recently brought into some post cards for us to pass around for promotion. I'm not entirely sure what I'm going to do with mine yet but, I'll think of something.

Check out our Facebook page!


In other news, my job searching isn't going to well but I have some possible work experience on the line as an Assistant Theatre Technician. It sounds interesting and I am looking forward to it. I've been told there is a lot of traveling and 'time in the van' involved but, also that travel is provided.

In other news, the Ilkeston Charter Fair starts today and as if by chance it is raining! Every year, it rains for the fair so it's not exactly unbelievable. *sighs* No doubt, I will go this year. If the weather is miserable or not, it's almost tradition. Besides, it really is the only time of the year when Ilkeston is busier than out neighboring cities Derby or Nottingham. It's not far off a ghost town now, it's already been ripped on national television by being compared to a better town. Still, I will continue to listen to The Piano Guys and mull it over in deep thought.

Till the next time!

Thursday, 8 August 2013

YouTube Covers

Hello everyone!

As you may have seen already, I am starting to get into filming and recording covers. I've watched many people do this before and I think that now is the time to jump onto the bandwagon, though what I don't want to do is simply copy everyone else before me. I do want to challenge myself and keep myself musically active, (that is the main point of this) but, I do fear that this can't happen without small complications.

The software I use for editing videos and recording are very basic and at the moment I don't really want to buy into new software that could make my work better, (my budgets won't let me) it's not that I don't have the money or that I'm a 'poor kid' but, I don't have a job currently and I don't want to splash out cash when I have no income. That wouldn't be clever. I know that is good software out there for around £40 but, I question it's potential.

My ideal for covers are not pop songs and  I have already agreed this with myself though, I don't want to do metal covers either (even though metal is still a sub-genre of pop). I want to make fun covers that are enjoyable. My sudden inspiration to dive into this kind of work comes directly from The Piano Guys as I find their videos not only very fun and enjoyable but, very uplifting. If I had or were a cello player, I would go down those roots and maybe even if I were a better piano player but, this is not me. Plus, there are five of them yet just one of me! I highly recommend giving The Piano Guys a listen by the way, they really are an amazing group of people.

As I've said before, my set up is very simple at the moment. I do not own my own recording  studio, just a mixer, a laptop and a couple of leads that do all of the magic. People have questioned me if I use MIDI with this setup, possibly assuming some kind of USB connection. Well, no I do not. I have the option to use MIDI on my keyboards and also my Zoom G.7ut Guitar Effects Processor (which is fantastic) but, I do not use it because I do not have the the correct leads or an interface, I'm not even sure I would if I could either.

Tripping back to the original subject of covers, I'm going to count my cover; Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness, Miror B Theme as my very first. Before this, I did an acoustic cover of Rush's 'In The Mood' But, I'm not too happy with the video for that or even the overall audio to be honest. I think it needed a little more than I originally gave. I'm not going to bother going back to that one, however it is finished and still a decent quality piece of work that I'm happy with for at least that reason. I can't wait to get started on my next cover now, it can be a painfully long process for a couple of minutes of entertainment but, it really is totally worth it!!!

If anyone has any suggestions of song for me to consider making a cover for, please comment. :')

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness, Miror B (Cover)

A couple of days back I asked my facebook friends to suggest me something to cover just for fun. I asked the question on the 2nd August and had no idea what to expect as suggestions but, one of my friends suggested that I cover Miror B's Theme from the game Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness. I was a little unsure at first because I had never heard it before despite being a fan of Pokemon but, I decided to take it on as a challenge as I don't challenge myself enough! 

I spent the next couple of days learning the song and listening to it repeatedly so that I knew it well, I wanted to make this cover the best that I could with equipment I have.

On August 4th, the first thing I had to do was make a drum track. I used Cubase 5 for this and used three tracks. One track for the snare one for the bass drum, hi-hat and any other percussion (crash) and on for the audio of actual track for me to work with so the structure of the song matched the original. This didn't take too long to do. I remember that I didn't finish it on the night I started it even though it just needed a few finishing touches, (eg. reverb). I finished it the next day on August 5th and then continued to export the track and then import the track into audacity. I decided the first track I wanted to layer on top was the bass because this would be the most useful after the drum track to guide me through the structure. I recorded the bass using a line in from my AD-82 Mixer before that going into my Zoom G7.1ut Guitar Effects Console on a clean setting. This is the best method I have to record any guitar/bass parts, I used this method for my guitar several times later on but, with a distorted setting.

I also had two keyboard tracks that I wanted to add to the track were I used the headphone output at the back of the keyboards and put it into the mixer on a line in. I used two different keyboards purely to get the exact sounds I was after. I used my Yamaha NP-30 for a bright natural sounding piano and my Casio CTK-651 for synthetic Midi sounds which I wanted to use the trumpet. My Yamaha only has about 10 different sounds loaded where as my Casio has nearly 200 to choose from.. I'm not sure that I'm ever use them all though...

I was recording footage of me playing whist I was recording the cover using a Sony NEX-3 camera, moving it around the room for different shots. I only use Windows Movie Maker to put my video together so, it was quite challenging to get everything smooth and perfectly in-time but, I'm happy with the final result.

Here is the final result:

My cover of Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness, Miror B's Theme is also available for free download and to listen to on Soundcloud.

Please follow the link:

Thanks, for reading :')

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Update: Kim Keeton Photography

For anyone that is unaware, I am working on a series of cover photos that will be available for use on sites such as Facebook. I'll be leaving my name over them so that the copyright remains mine and so that no one will 'steal' them. This would be terrible and is unlikely but, I am aware that such things happen and I must be prepared for them.

I'm not sure just how many I will make or even decide to make into cover photos but, it will be interesting to see what responses I will receive (if any). I'm not usually one to attract much attention but, it is a wonderful thought, to imagine that the world could be able to see my photography. In honest, photography is a side hobby of mine though, I do take it quite seriously just not like a business.

I would like to work with different people with this and maybe do some photoshoots sometime with friends. I have been thinking about going out to gigs and taking photos but, that would be a massive step. It's not unusual but, I would have to be confident (which is something I struggle with). Either way, I would love to do  this, it would be a pleasure.

Check out my full portfolio at:

Also.... I'd love a new camera ;)

Thanks for reading.

Friday, 14 June 2013

Mid June Catch-up...

Well, it's the end of yet another college year and everyone is just finishing of pieces of work and finishing off the last bits and pieces. I believe I finished all of my work yesterday so, I no longer have any of this to worry about. Overall, I have enjoyed college. It's been an experiece that's for sure! I have met some truely lovely people and I would to keep in contact with them.

Yesterday consisted of taking a couple of photographs with one of my lecturers and a fellow friend. There certainly are some good memories to take from collage. Good Laughs. Good Times. I'm still wanting to take a couple more photos to keep these memories but everyone is still quite busy. There is still a graduation event coming up where 'traditionally' everyone goes to the pub afterwards. This will probably be the right time. I have to work about finding some kind of job for now though, I will never give up on my music, even if I don't end up with a career in the subject!!

Friday, 5 April 2013

Break Time! ...Not Quite.

So, it's the Easter holidays and yet again I find myself not doing all that much apart from eating mounts of chocolate and gaining that extra weight that no one would dream of having. I don't exercise as much either, these days; that's my other problem.

On the lighter side of life, I've been preparing for new challenges (At least that's what I like to call it). It's generally more looked upon as slashing out on new kit though, what I've brought this time certainly looks more professional. In terms of what I already own second in it's kind. My other looks so much more primary compared to this, with it's colours guiding you through it's use it's almost like you should have to input dummies and milk bottles into to it rather than jacks and xlrs! Nevertheless, they are both fantastic pieces of machinery.

L2 Audio AD-82

I've been able to test out the pre-amps for the first two channels using the line inputs but, I got distracted by my own playing to test the other two.

The bonuses of this mixer for me are:

- More channels! (Previously, I had two).
- I can now record with effects and set the amout per track.
- I have a master fader to ease the control of the overall output and help the recording process
- Aux sends as well as a basic headphone amp

The downsides so far:

- Having to switch between '2TK TO CRTL RM' and change the volume coming out of the monitors to listen to the playback or what I'm recording at the time properly.
This is what I find with my setup though, mine is very simple. A couple of rca lead in and out of my outdated laptop and mixer. Though, a little lagging... it's the best I can do for now.
Any comments/advice welcome. :')
I'm still new to this!!

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

A Lazy But, Productive Day...

Today has been very slow and dull. I've been ill all day so I haven't been very active. I haven't been out at all. Hardly moved! I've been sat on the Internet all day so, my eyes are feeling quite tired at the moment. I do believe however, that I have been in some way productive today. Not only have I finally sorted out this blog good and proper.

 I have started to create a small website. It's a free one provided by Wix but, it's looking fantastic and I can't really afford domain prices! It will have collections of my music and photography so that it seems everything is in the same place.

I can't wait to launch the website! There is no doubt that I will post about this again before it is published. It just needs a few more finishing touches and then it will be ready. I really hope I don't forget about this, as it will be a great way to showcase all of my work.

Here is a screen cap:

Let me know what you think.

Monday, 4 March 2013

Keeping Track

This weekend has been quite a busy one, starting from Friday. Three days of being constantly motivated is something I'm not used too.

Friday opened with an lunchtime practise/recording session hosted by myself with a friend that I will be working with closely more frequently from now on (All will be revealed!). The recording session was great to as that recorded everything with a fairly low input than what I wanted too. The recording also ended up being a one track because for some reason we couldn't listen to playback whilst recording ut, it would play back normally. Strange machine!

For the recording session I used my SoundCraft Compact4 mixer and a fairly old Toshiba laptop. We both agreed that overall the session went quite well and so far we have had nothing but positive feedback.

Check out the track from this link:

Saturday consisted on nothing but shopping in the nearby city centres, wandering around Westfield then later trotting around Victoria centre and Broadmarsh. It was a little unusual catching the bus with my dad, he usually takes the car. I gained two new shirts that day and a few other bits and pieces.

Sunday was a little strange, I was meant to be helping mother make sunday dinner though, I got up too late. Apparently, 12:00 is not acceptable so instead we ate out at a place called The Festival Inn, a place not too far from where we live. They didn't have any noodles which has slowly became my usual so instead of that I had 'New York Chicken'. Delicious!

After this and a few shops later, I was out with a friend with a couple of cameras... This was the result:!/media/set/?set=a.475349165863592.1073741826.373716456026864&type=1

I think this was my photo of the day!!

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

The Next Step

So today hasn't entirely gone as planned. I was going to do a ridiculous amount of recording today after composing and working on new songs. It seems that that never happened though, I did do a bit of singing if that counts. I like to convince myself that I'm not lazy but, sometimes its an easy contradiction. 

I have been working on lots of various things recently, not quite enough to lose track of yet. I have an acoustic project that has technically been in the making for the last three years with songs coming on nicely, nothing to technical. With this I also have solo working of my own that I'm working on in my own time. I usually make a drum track first and then record live instruments like my guitar or keyboard over the top. Layering seems the best method for me as I only have a two-track-mixer. It's manufactured by SoundCraft which I find to be a very good make, it's called the 'Compact4'. It's beautiful because it does everything I need it to do plus, it's not too tacky.

The most recent track I've popped out of this beauty is a work in progress however, I still find it quite addictive to listen too. It's something about those guitar harmonies! 

Here in a link to the track on Soundcloud:

I suppose the next step is to simply keep at it. I need to keep producing more of my own work, it keeps me motivated!!

Monday, 25 February 2013


It's been a while since I last posted so I thought I would write a little about myself.
I am a nearly-nineteen-year-old who spends most of her time practising or producing music. If I'm not doing that, I'm either out with my trusty camera or being the casual layabout that I am. I'm not really lazy, I'm just tired all off the time.
I've been playing guitar for nearly six years now and playing the keyboard eve longer... well, just a little!! I got my first guitar just before my 13th birthday. It was probably the best present I had ever had brought for me though, I don't own it any longer as I sold it for a bit of pocket. Well... it was taking up space. It was a challenge to learn how to play it when I was younger minded as I taught myself for six months. I started with the basic chords and tuning, just major and minor chords. When I look back, I'm glad I started out this way. If I had learnt power chords first more basic things would prove a challenge now! However, I did start having lessons at school after this six month period. I started to learn new things and songs that (at the time) I wanted to learn.
This is what I looked like then.... Ish....

The first song that I ever learn on guitar was by Green Day and was called ‘Wake Me Up When September Ends’. Like all things at first it was a challenge but, of course it would be. Though, the song wasn’t that technical, I was still new to some of the material within the song. I must brag a little though. My progress with it was very good as I learnt it quite fast. I was so proud of myself. I was told to learn many more things on guitar but got a little bored if I’m honest because it wasn’t as interesting to me. After a while I got bored of ‘chording’ and started to lose interest in music. It didn’t help that at the same time my music GCSE course was on a decline and slowly going downhill. Most of the other pupils weren’t bothered and starting to lose interest too as most lessons became sitting at a computer, watching You Tube. I was kind of stuck in a rut with that. I got and F in Music after all that, which knocks the pride a little but, I know that it was not strictly my fault. I wasn’t the only one to blame.
I had already planned my next move. I was to go to college on an Intro to Music Course (lvl1) because I didn’t believe I was any better but, I felt that I needed to regain an interest and desire in music. I needed to rebuild the passion that I once had. Intro involved me working with new people and was a great way for me to make a fresh start. I learnt a lot form that year, I sometimes think that it’s a shame that it went so fast. I worked hard to ensure that I succeeded. I put in extra effort for theory to make sure I had a thorough and clear understanding still managing to finish the work in the middle of the year. I was offered to continue with my hard to work so that I could access a higher level course at the end of the year. Basically, by the middle of the year I was given an unofficial conditional offer for a lvl3 BTEC course. At first thought, it was a going to be a big leap but, I knew that it was going to be worth it.
A long while later and here I am, on the second year of the lvl3. It still does feel a bit of a long ride but, I’m getting there.
Faith restored.