So, it's August now and it's not much more than a month left until I go back to college properly. Thinking about things, I still have a lot of things I have to do... Like getting a passport sorted out and additional music theory, which I'm surprised I've managed to off put for so long! I best get on track with all of this in time for another good year. I'm really looking forward to going back to college at the moment, with my band pretty much on track seemingly waiting to be recorded (which should be happening within the next few weeks!!) It's all a bit exciting at the moment!
Plus, recently I have had new opportunities with photography. Video Recording and taking photos of one of my friends who is professional live vocalist. I recon that the videoing was the best it could be to say I don't video usually, and the images... Well, let's just say they were a little harder to capture. Most are bury because of movement but overall, some pretty good photos. There are a select few that I'm very proud of! I was using different cameras to what I usually use, both Sony so it was different. I had used them before and I knew their qualities and to be honest I'm glad that overall I chose the two I chose! Good results!